Friday, March 10, 2017

David Jaeschke Funeral (March 10th, 2017)

+ In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti + Amen.

Text: Romans 8:28
Theme: The Goodness of God

Dear family, friends, and loved ones of David, his children Melissa, Karina, Carlene, Lauren, Grant, Shaun, and especially you; Judy,

“We know that in all things God works for the good of those love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”1 This is a statement of pure faith. Yes, we have circumstantial, and incidental, and anecdotal evidence of God’s blessings. We might even say tangible indications. We experience those blessings every day. But, rock solid empirical proof that God is always working good through the most dangerous or difficult, or depressing circumstances, no, if that were the case we would already be in heaven. We would already be relieved from the constraints of sin and abiding in the unveiled presence of the Holy Trinity. That, in fact, is the situation for David Jaeschke; but not for us. And that’s precisely why we are here. If we truly grasped what we are missing we could be excused for being more than a little jealous of David. David is in the company of saints and angel; and us, well, we’re in the company of us! We’re still under the influence of sin. But do not despair, the angels are here as well as “there”, as is Jesus, the Spirit, and the Father.

Grief is never something to pass over lightly. It involves an honest grappling with the will of God. He decides when He will call His children to Himself and we may be left pondering: Why this person? In the way? At this time? Stunned by grief Job was still able to say, “The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD."2 Today we acknowledge that the Lord has taken away from us. But we also rejoice in what the Lord has given. Firstly, He has given David eternal rest. But that He also gave David as a gift to us for these many years.

Anyone who knew David at all knew he was serious about his faith. There was nothing artificial or pretentious about his Christian life. He was sincere and gentle. He was a man of few words but he was never absent from the hearing of God’s word or receiving the sacrament. David was an avid proponent and generous supporter of disseminating the Scriptures. He believed everyone should have access to the Bible. He cherished the sanctity of life. The unborn are especially vulnerable and David had a heart for their well-being. He wanted all people to participate in the life of Christ for eternity.

It is perseverance and humility that make otherwise unremarkable people remarkable; faithfulness in daily vocation, steady reliability. David was one of those people. He didn’t intend to set the world on fire or turn it upside down. He didn’t devise any grand schemes. But he influenced the lives of many people for the better. He was a pillar of the church and an icon of stability in the community. He was a faithful husband, a dedicated father and grandfather, and always carried in his demeanor a true humility that showed concern for others.

But if David got even an inkling that we may be extolling his virtues too highly he would be very displeased. He knew all the credit went to God. David was a sinner, just like the rest of us, and he understood what that meant. He had no leg up on anyone when it comes to gaining God’s favour. No one works their way into heaven. No one charms their way. No one forces their way in. No one successfully negotiates with God. Jesus Christ is the gate of the sheep. He is the door. He is the way, and the truth, and the life. All are under the wrath and condemnation of God from conception. Only one sacrifice could appease the divine wrath. Mortality must be faced by us all and only divine truth can carry us through.

Jesus said, "Truly, truly, I say to you, an hour is coming, and is now here, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live. For as the Father has life in Himself, so he has granted the Son also to have life in Himself.”3 He says, “In My Father’s house are many rooms…I am going there to prepare a place for you…I will come back and take you to be with Me.”4 Again, He says, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me will live, even though He dies.”5 Christ died and rose again for David. He died and rose again for you.

Consideration of death is also an opportunity to reflect on the big picture. Why are we all here? What does it all mean? How much can one expect to accomplish in a lifetime? What difference can a single person make? Can lives be changed? Can the course of history be altered? Can reputations be built and legacies established? Certainly, in life joys are shared; sorrows too. Failures are lamented. Successes are celebrated. But the Scriptures remind us, “As for man, his days are like grass; he flourishes like a flower of the field; for the wind passes over it, and it is gone, and its place knows it no more.”6 We can be robbed of vitality in an instant. Life is a gift that we never have control of. It is in the hands of the Maker. We are gifted each breath, each heartbeat. We are spared from accident and disease only by His grace. Should He withdraw His hand the world would collapse in an instant.

And yet, God is a God of grace who constantly renews life. David Jaeschke was already walking in newness of life; even in the midst of His illness. David was already born again. David was baptized into the death and resurrection of Jesus, the new Adam. David was already a citizen of heaven. In Christ the present and the future are absorbed into an eternal reality. David has crossed that threshold. David is at peace. He has been released from the burden of sin. His conscience is at rest. He awaits the glorious resurrection of the body.

David only found out he had cancer late in the game. Some would reflect on that as a tragedy. That perspective must be acknowledged. But it is also a reminder that life is precious and fragile, something we easily take for granted every day. Every day, as the sun breaks across the horizon, it is already “late in the game” for each of us. But in Christ, what seems like the end is just the beginning. Martin Luther once said, “It is an outstanding gift of the Holy Spirit to believe that when God sends evil, He is still gracious and merciful.”7 David Jaeschke had this outstanding gift. He believed that in all things God works for the good. His trust has not been misplaced. Judy, when you think of David, think of that gift.

For David life, has come full circle. He was baptized at Bookpurnong and that is where His remains will be put to rest. But his soul is already in the presence of the triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; the saints and the angels. David is at peace. His faith has been rewarded. He was promised a heavenly inheritance in his baptism and that inheritance he has now received. He has the crown of life. In the last moments, David opened his eyes. It was a rare occurrence in his final days. He opened his eyes wide open. He was not looking at Judy but through her. He was probably seeing the magnificence of angels and the Lord Jesus Himself. He now experiences goodness that we can’t even imagine. Amen.

+ In nomine Jesu +

Christian Burial of David Jaeschke
10 March 2017
Reverend Darrin L. Kohrt

1 Romans 8:28
2 Job 1:21
3 John 5:26
4 John 14:2-3
5 John 11:25
6 Psalm 103:15-16
7 Luther’s Works 12, p.374

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