Friday, April 26, 2019

ANZAC Day Address 2019

Anzac Day Address 2019

“Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13
Their frames were slouched against the inside wall of the trench. They weren’t being lazy. They were under fire. The barrage had been relentless. The losses that day were heavy, four of their own. The pain was palpable. But there was no time to pause- not now. No opportunity for grieving was granted. The shells continued to pound... A few stars became visible through the haze and smoke in the heavens above. The sight was enough to trigger longing for that bright sky under the southern cross, so vivid and clear. In a moment of quiet, other memories of home came flooding in; the pounding of the surf, the warbling of the Magpie, the distinctive laugh of the Kookaburra, the smell of Gum trees in the rain. Sometimes the homesickness was unbearable. They were bereft of the support of family, the embrace of lovers, the company of friends. These were shadows, dreams, hopes. They were a half a world away- so inaccessible as to be almost surreal.

The sudden shout of commands jarred them back to the present. The leisure of daydreams is not permitted to those involved in the night of war. They pressed on, not because they were heroes in their own minds but because duty demanded it. They were normal people… mostly. They weren’t bred for war. They were husbands, fathers, sons, and mates. They had sisters, daughters, and mothers. They had dreams, families, goals, and futures. They left normal lives. They answered the call for country and for freedom. Many paid the ultimate price. Others came home broken and scarred; all were changed. They loved the common good more than their individual desires. They gave up the present to secure the future. They engaged in conflict that we might enjoy peace.

They should not be forgotten, or their sacrifice ignored. They forged a legacy one act of courage at a time. We are the beneficiaries. We enjoy the freedom. So, have your whinge about pollies. Have your say about laws. Debate. Contest. Challenge. Oppose. Support. Be annoyed. Be delighted. Be disheartened. Be inspired- about this version of democracy we all share. It’s not perfect. The best institutions of men are still corrupted by sin. Still, we have blessings many nations around the world long to possess. But pray that you don’t become indifferent. Your freedoms are not free. Speak without fear and recognise you owe the privilege to do so to others. Democracy is not a default form of government. If its ideals are not intentionally maintained it will cease to function properly. Then the weak will be ruled by the strong. The ‘haves’ will dominate the ‘have nots’.

Love is not the default position of God either. It is not His fall-back plan. His love is active, seeking, searching, embracing. Divine love entered our world of conflict and pain in the person of Christ. He came not to destroy, but to restore. He is the friend of sinners. He is the Suffering Servant. He is the Prince of Peace. His sacrifice ended the conflict that separated God from man. Peace, true peace, lasting peace, was made at the cross. It was His blood that was shed. It gives us true freedom. It releases us to serve others without fear.

“This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.”1 John 4:10 “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13 “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us.” 1 John 3:16 The world is not free from conflict. Terrorism and violence continue to rage. Still, we have the presence and promise of Him for whom all the fury and savagery of men is no threat. May the merciful God, for sake of His Son give us the determination to pursue peace, the courage to value life, the means to protect the vulnerable, and the respect necessary to properly honour the fallen.

Merciful Lord God, giver and restorer of life, at this hour of solemn observance we recognise the sacrifice of those who paid the ultimate price. We commend to you our reflections made with the help of words and those silent meditations that rest deep within caring hearts. Bless those families and individuals affected by the legacy of conflict and war. Embrace them in Your love. Guide the leaders of our nation. Equip them with wisdom and arm them with integrity. Favour us with your divine love for the sake of Him who gave His life in sacrifice for all. Amen.

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